sponsored by Healani Canoe Club
Race/Club Background: The name "Healani" means "Heavenly Call" and was selected by Carl Widemann and Ed Stiles, founding members among the organizers of the "Healani Yacht and Boat Club" on March 28, 1890. The original name of the club was Healani Boat Club. The name was later changed to Healani Yacht and Boat Club in 1894 and is currently known as Healani Canoe Club, whose club colors are Blue and White. Read more on OHCRA website
Location: Keehi Lagoon Beach
Member Responsibilities
OPEN MEN/NOVICE MEN ~ Tent set up at Keehi on Saturday at 7am. Please see your coaches Byron & Beau to arrange a meet time at Keehi Lagoon.
OPEN WOMEN/NOVICE WOMEN ~ Light snacks for Sunday. Fruits, sandwiches, veggies... nothing heavy. Fill up water jugs, bring paper goods & rubbish bags.
After the race is done, ALL paddlers breakdown tent, load Tarita & unload back at Halau (Ala Wai).
Potluck (Mexican theme) & any club announcements from Kristi/Coaches will be held back at our club site.
Race Day
Information could change last minute. Please check in with your coaches on race day.
Please share your photos of the race by adding them to the WhatsApp group. Mahalo!
Results will be available after each race. Please check back regularly on race day.
Race Results & Times
1st place in Division A with 23 points
Open Keiki: UnO, 2:41.69
Girls 16 & under: 6th place, 5:16.47
Boys 18 & under: 5th place, 4:08.20
Men Novice A: 3rd place, 4:02.02
Men Senior: 9th place, 8:55.25
Women Master (50): 3rd place, 4:59.72
Women Open Four: 1st place, 4:54.47
(Tarita Keohokalole-Look, Ilima Kim, Ulu Oclit, Mel Parker)
Men Open Four: 6th place, 4:27.58
Mixed Masters (55): SCR
Mixed Masters (40): 3rd place, 4:17.75
Mixed Men & Women: 9th place, 4:37.93